To provide us with this information please log into your Fotofafa account ( and click into 'Preferences'

Check out this quick video:  or read the instructions below!


Please fill out the information according to the services you have ordered or might be ordering in the future. Please notice there is different Color Correction options: 

         Standard- Uses only LR sliders: Exposure, Contrast, Temperature

Advanced: Uses all of ‘Standard’ sliders in addition: Clarity, Cropping, Highlight detail, Lens Profile Correction, Noise Reduction, Shadow detail, Sharpening, Straightening and Vibrancy

Custom- Uses all of ‘Standard’ and ‘Advanced’ sliders in addition: Finish, Grain and Vignette along with any preset you would like us to use (i.e. VSCO or RED LEAF)

Please fill out accordingly. You can also upload any preset(s) you would like us to use and list what sections to apply. {If having troubles uploading the preset, please send to}

If you are a past client and would like to inquire as to what style notes were used for past orders please respond back to this email.

Once all information is filled out hit ‘Save’! You have now provided style preferences for the editing team to use!