Yes we do!
To submit a Free Trial click on 'Login' within
You'll then see towards the right hand side a 'New Customer' section.
Once you have signed up click on 'Preferences' section to provide your style preferences. More detailed information on this can be found at:
Once the style preferences have been provided feel free to try out whichever services you like! The code is for $5.00 off to allow which ever Color Correction option you would like to try and the file types you may be using. A brief description for the Color Correction options is listed below:
Standard- Uses only LR sliders: Exposure, Contrast, Temperature
Advanced: Uses all of ‘Standard’ sliders in addition: Clarity, Cropping, Highlight detail, Lens Profile Correction, Noise Reduction, Shadow detail, Sharpening, Straightening and Vibrancy
Custom- Uses all of ‘Standard’ and ‘Advanced’ sliders in addition: Finish, Grain and Vignette
****You will see all of these listed as well when filling out the 'Preferences' section.
After adding services to your cart and selecting 'Checkout' copy or type in your discount code into the box:
Hit 'Redeem' and your $5.00 off will apply. You can then finish checking out and work on uploading your image files.
Enjoy your Free Trial!